The Goodness of God Led Me to Repentance
-Nina Gaus

My name is Nina Gaus, and this is my story. My parents grew up in the Catholic religion. For years, they followed the traditions they were taught, but received little practical instruction from the Bible. They felt like they had no clue what life was all about.

Seek the Lord!
-Benjamin Hall

My name is Benjamin Hall, and this is my story. I was brought up in a Christian home and have gone to church ever since I was a little baby. When I was 10 years old, my Pastor played a video called “The Appointment” during the church service. It was about a lady who had put off being saved and unexpectedly died and went to hell.

Lost in Belief
-Jackie Gable

I grew up in a typical home with loving parents, two brothers, and a dog. The only thing unique about my upbringing was that my dad was a pastor and well-known author of many Christian books. From a young age, I knew my father was respected and looked up to by many. He was a “man of God.”

I Looked OK on the Outside,
But God Saw My Heart

-Sarah Davies

The Lord had been working on me little by little for quite some time; small things, like what would I do after I graduated, what should I become, where should I go? When I would ask my mom she would say, “Pray about it.” But every time I prayed, there seemed to be a small voice saying, “the Lord will not give you direction for your future if you are not saved.” I pushed that voice away because at the time it was just easier to ignore it, but I still had doubts.

There Has to Be More to Life Than This
-Michelle Zarrillo

My name is Michelle Zarrillo, and this is my story. All my life, I was told that Jesus died for the sins of the world, but I had tremendous guilt about my own sin. I lacked peace; I had anger and felt a great sense of emptiness. I thought that achievement would heal the pain.

I Was in Spiritual Darkness
-Annette Yechout

My name is Annette Yechout, and this is my story. I was in spiritual darkness for almost all of my life. I not only had on blinders, but I also shut my eyes and plugged my ears to anything which would conflict with my religion. You see, I had been married for 40 plus years and raised eleven children in the catholic religion. We went to church every Sunday, we celebrated the sacraments, and we supported our church and school. I thought there was no religion better than this. Little did I know just how blind I was to God’s truth.

I Thought I Was a Pretty Good Person
-Rudy Yechout

The fall of 1999, I was driving back home after dropping my youngest son off at college. My wife was trying to find something good on the radio to listen to for the ride home. She was changing stations and came to a Christian radio station where a man was preaching about Jesus and the crucifixion. We were pretty bored as it was a dreary Sunday afternoon, so we listened to him as he spoke. As we listened, we begin to hear the gospel preached like we had never heard it before.

My Good Works Could Not Get Me to Heaven!
-Jackie Wolf

My name is Jackie Wolf, and this is my story. I was raised in the Zion Lutheran Church in Sunbury, PA. My dad worked most Sundays, but it was a ritual for my mom and me to attend every week. I wasn’t too excited about church because I had no friends there. There was no fellowshipping, the singing was morbid, we never took our Bibles, and the sermons were just reading and repeating after the pastor from a Lutheran book.