God Made Me a New Man with a New Heart
-Shane Ferris

Sign up for Free Bible StudyRomans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord … Read More

My Life Was Transformed!
-Nikki Nelson

My Life Was Transformed!My name is Nikki Nelson, and this is my story.My life was full of abuse, selfish indulgence … Read More

¡Finalmente, Lo Hice Correctamente!
-Adam Santos

¡Finalmente, Lo Hice Correctamente!My nombre es Adam Santos, y esta es mi historia.Vengo du un hogar quebrado. Mi padre nos … Read More

Finally, I Got It Right!
-Adam Santos

Finally, I Got It Right!My name is Adam Santos, and this is my story.I come from a broken home. My … Read More