I Was on the Road to Destruction,
When God Pulled Me Over

-Gene Baker

I Was on the Road to Destruction, When God Pulled Me Over

My name is Gene Baker, and this is my story.

I was a dirty, rotten, sinful, drunken motorcycle rider until God pulled me over and took control of my life. My road has been a lot different –and a lot more enjoyable – since then!

I started my life without God. I didn’t say without religion – I actually grew up going to the Catholic church, though I never really knew much about the Bible, except a little of its history. Soon after my wife and I were married when I was 20, we dropped out of church all together (you can imagine the fuss over that decision!). After several years out of church, I visited a few churches off and on for a while, but never heard clear Bible preaching and teaching, and never heard a clear presentation of the gospel. Throughout my growing up years and early adult years I had no family members or friends who were Christians and could give me any spiritual direction, motivation, or encouragement.
I just lived my life for many years doing whatever I wanted – which was mainly sin and debauchery. Though I was alone spiritually, I had many worldly friends. I started riding motorcycles at about age 35 and my wife and I really enjoyed touring nearly every state and Canada for almost forty years. Riding became my passion, but my life also became filled with the drinking, smoking, and riotous living that often accompanies that lifestyle. Looking back, I don’t know how I am still alive today! God preserved my life for some reason – and one of those reasons was to save my soul. Let me tell you about that now. There had been times in my life when I felt drawn to read the Bible. When I did, I began to understand more and more and felt God was trying to get my attention. When I was about 65 years old I found myself being drawn to listen to preaching on the radio and to continue reading my Bible on my own.
"Throughout my growing up years and early adult years I had no family members or friends who were Christians and could give me any spiritual direction, motivation, or encouragement."
I felt a need to get on the straight and narrow path before I fell off the edge! While out driving my delivery truck one day, I was listening to a preacher on the radio talking about salvation and repentance. “What is this guy trying to tell me?” I wondered. But I really felt he was talking TO me ABOUT me. I got the picture and pulled over and parked the truck. “This is it, fool – listen!” So I did. When he finished preaching, I started to pray for forgiveness. I had heard messages on previous broadcasts about believing, so I decided it was time to make the change. I began to pray, “Will you please help me, Jesus? I can’t do this by myself, Lord. I need you right now. I am ready to accept you. Will He accept me and keep me?” “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37)
"The one factor that caused me to accept Christ was my desperate need for His love and salvation.”
The one factor that caused me to accept Christ was my desperate need for His love and salvation. I immediately sensed the love and forgiveness and help from God that I had prayed for! When I got back to the shop after my delivery, I walked in and said loudly, “God bless all in this place!” They just laughed and wanted to know what I had had to drink. I tried to tell them that I had just gotten right with God, but they didn’t know what I was talking about and I didn’t know what more to tell them.
I was immediately delighted to know that I was saved and experienced a new happiness I had never had before. God began working in my life and helping me to grow spiritually, and it was indeed pleasurable to be doing things right and doing the right things. I found I had a constant desire to see others come to Christ and watch their elation and joy when they got saved. I am thankful the Lord directed me to find the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church where I’ve begun to grow even more as I’ve heard the Bible preached and taught.

What about you? Do you realize you have a desperate need for the Lord? He wants to give you life and abundant joy and peace like He did for me!